Today my baby turned 11!!! I can't believe that she is that age already. I sooo don't want her to grow up. She is just so easy to be around and I guess 'cos she IS my baby I am not ready for the next few years ahead. I know from the other two that very soon she will be changing and becoming more independent.
Yesterday we celebrated her special day by having her two best friends over.
Tegan and Christie have been friends with Lucy for many years now and they are all so sweet together. First they enoyed having pizza for lunch and playing and then we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2.
The girls thought it was really good, not so much myself but then I have a hard time staying awake in kids movies lol!!!! My mind wanders and I think about all the things I could be doing at home.
Never the less Lucy had a fabulous time and that's all that matters.
After the movie they came home and played some more. We have a tree in the garden behind us that loses it's leaves when it is windy and they end up in our yard. The girls though it was AWESOME and spent the entire afternoon rolling in, kicking and throwing the leaves. They were hilarious.
They loaded the leaves onto the trampoline and ust kept throwing them in the air. Oh to be 11 again and just enjoy the simple things in life.
Cake was then the order of the day.
And of course a little silliness with lolly teeth. Aren't they attractive?
After they went home I was EXHAUSTED. Having a child with Ehlers Danlos who spends a lot of time laying down and resting it is a real eye opener having other children around. These kids have soo much energy and never stop chattering. They are absolutely delightful and fun to be around but utterly exhausting. It is only when I see Lucy around other children that I realize how disabled she really is. Today she has rested all day and now feeling very unwell. It 's fun to have special days but it sure does that it's toll.