All around Blogland people are making New Year's resolutions. Every year I make the same kind of resolutions and of course never really follow through. The usual things - lose weight, pay off the credit cards, get fitter and so on and so forth.
I thought this year I might try doing monthly goals. At the beginning of each month I will list some things that I would like to achieve that month. Now bearing in mind my days are pretty full so I want to be realistic.
I plan to have small goals for each area of my life. For example, organizing around the home, finances, diet and exercise etc. Some months I may be able to plan more if the month has school holidays in it. I will try to break things up into smaller chunks to make them more achievable and hopefully by the end of the month I will be happy to have made some headway.
So here's my list for the month of January.
- Clean out my kitchen cupboards (Completed)
- Sort out Lucy's clothes and cupboards
- Get back to my pre-Xmas weight (I think I gained about 2 kilos -YIKES)
- draft a pair of pants and sew up
- Have Xmas paid off the credit card
- Get to the gym at least 3 times a week
- Have the ironing basket empty by the end of the month
- Process all the business dockets (Completed)
- Tidy the office
Now this is enough to get me started and be ready for when I return to teaching at the start of February.