Friday, May 6, 2011

Clothes washing

Over the last few months my washing maching has been a little sad and temperamental. We have had our little 5kg Simpson machine for well over ten years and it has been a good work horse considering I do 2 loads most days of the week. It has also handles James's dirty work clothes. Well on Thursday it decided it could just handle it no longer.

This morning we went out looking for a new machine and was tossing up between a 9.5kg Simpson and the 8 kg Fisher and Paykal. The Fisher and Paykal won out as it had better water and energy efficiency. It was about $100 dearer but I hope will be cheaper in the long run.

Here is my new baby, we will be spending a LOT of time together over the next ten years or so.

I haven't yet read the manual from go to wo but what I have quickly read it has a lot of options. One I really like is that it chooses the water level for you. I just put a small load of whites on and was amazed at the very little water it used, my other machine would have pumped in a whole lot more water in even on the low cycle. It also has an allergy cycle,soft toy cycle and loads of others. I will definately be using the allergy cycle with Matt's sheets and doona.

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